R Weekly 2022-W14 Exemplar, chronicler, ggbraid
This article is originally published at
Hello and welcome to this new issue!
This week’s release was curated by Ryo Nakagawara, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
{chronicler} 0.1: Implementation of the logger monad in R.
{ggbraid} 0.1.0: Braid two lines and a ribbon in ggplot2.
R in the Real World
R in Organizations
API’s and parameterized reports: How to access the SimFin API for financial reporting
A Config File to Save Them: A Workflow to Use Microsoft Sharepoint and R
R in Academia
The R Developer Community Does Have a Strong Software Engineering Culture: Maëlle Salmon, Karthik Ram. The R Developer Community Does Have a Strong Software Engineering Culture. The R Journal, 13(2):18-21, December 2021.
We Need Trustworthy R Packages: William Michael Landau. We Need Trustworthy R Packages. The R Journal, 13(2):15-17, December 2021.
R in Visual Studio Code - New R in VS Code topic on VS Code website
New Packages
???? Go Live for More New Pkgs ????
{timbr} 0.1.0: Forest Data Frames.
{hudr} 1.0.0: Providing Data from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.
{formatters} 0.2.0: ASCII Formatting for Values and Tables.
{re2} 0.1.2: R Interface to Google RE2 (C++) Regular Expression Library.
GitHub or Bitbucket
{parlscot} Fetch the Scottish Parliamentary Spoken Record.
{ggbraid} 0.1.0: Braid two lines and a ribbon in ggplot2.
{chronicler} 0.1: Implementation of the logger monad in R.
{yfr} 0.0.1: Downloads and Organizes Financial Data from Yahoo Finance.
Updated Packages
{mirai} 0.2.0 Minimalist async evaluation framework for R.
{readxl} 1.4.0: Read Excel Files.
{reactablefmtr} 2.0.0: Streamlined Table Styling and Formatting for Reactable.
{glitter} 0.1.0: Domain-specific language (DSL) for SPARQL.
{mathpix} 0.5.0: Support for the ‘Mathpix’ API (Image to ‘LaTeX’).
{dodgr} 0.2.13: Distances on Directed Graphs.
{ggfun} 0.0.6: Miscellaneous Functions for ‘ggplot2’.
{igraph} 1.3.0: Network Analysis and Visualization.
{vctrs} 0.4.0: Vector helpers.
{regtools} 1.7.0: Regression and Classification Tools.
{sinew} 0.4.0: Package Development Documentation and Namespace Management.
{formatR} 1.12: Format R Code Automatically.
Videos and Podcasts
Poisson regression with tidymodels for package vignette counts
TidyX Episode 98 - Sampling, Simluation, and Intro to Bayes - Sampling and Bootstraps
TidyX Episode 99 - Sampling, Simulation, and Intro to Bayes - Basic Bayes
2022 Toronto Workshop on Reproducibility - Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
[Rich Iannone {gt} Intendo Game Data Project Walkthrough RStudio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPRVzk9pvno)
Shiny Apps
xG Race Shiny: A Shiny app that creates xG based finishing reports for soccer players using data from Understat.
Interactive ggplots, user feedback, and a little bit of javascript magic with Shiny
R Internationally
{nanonext} - How it Provides a Concurrency Framework for R: True async with automatic resolution.
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Become an R Package Developer - Become an R Package Developer: April 4th
R Lille - “Memory- and Computation-Efficient Statistical Tools for Big Matrices” - Florian Privé: April 7th
TokyoR #98: April 16th
Tidy Survey Analysis in R: Workshop Series: April 15th, April 22nd, April 29th
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
A quick tweetorial on using #RStats to hit an API!
— Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe) March 30, 2022
I used the {httr} & {jsonlite} pkgs to migrate 789 journal entries from my old platform to Notion. It's a great case study. I'm going to show you my building blocks. ????
You can use what I learned for any API project!
1/n https://t.co/I9aCBerQci
An easy way to contribute to the #RStats ecosystem:
— Henrik Bengtsson (@henrikbengtsson) March 30, 2022
If you spot a CRAN or Bioconductor package without URL and BugReports links, but find they actually live on GitHub, GitLab, ..., please reach out to the maintainer and ask them to add those fields to their DESCRIPTION file
Woah, okay #rstats world I may have to just make the .Rmd -> .qmd switch...@quarto_dev is looking amazing.
— John Paul Helveston (@JohnHelveston) March 30, 2022
Exhibit A: Figures and tables in the margins! ???? pic.twitter.com/BDEHvxhd6e
I’m giving a talk about ggplot2 & its community and I'd love to include a selection of extension packages. What are your favourites? Please vote and add new options at https://t.co/Hatpc55KDu #rstats
— Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham) March 29, 2022
Questioning coding 101. I've come to dislike "else" statements in #rstats or other code. It tends to require you to scroll up to figure out what the "if" is and then puzzle over what "else" means.
— Zev Ross (@zevross) March 30, 2022
I generally prefer a default followed by an "if" or a couple of ifs. Thoughts? pic.twitter.com/D6hj58rOSo
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