R Weekly 2020-39 shinydashboardPlus, Calendar
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Hello and welcome to this new issue!
Release Date: 2020-09-28
This week’s release was curated by Maëlle Salmon, with help from the RWeekly team members and contributors.
R in the Real World
R in Academia
Teaching (with) R
R code to to build your own (soccer/football) player similarity model based on Factor analysis
Sport, Data & R - Alice Sweeting, PhD. (R-Ladies Melbourne, Sept. 2020)
A web framework for R based on {httpuv} and inspired by express.js.
New Packages
???? Go Live for More New Pkgs ????
{hermiter} 1.0.0: Efficient Online (Sequential) and Batch Estimation of PDF, CDF and Quantiles
{gitear} 1.0.0: Client to the ‘gitea’ API
{ggip} 0.1.0: Data Visualization for IP Addresses and Networks
{omxr} 0.3.3: Read and Write Open Matrix Files
{htmldf} 0.1.0: Simple Scraping and Tidy Webpage Summaries
GitHub or Bitbucket
{calendR} 1.1.0: Ready to print calendars with ggplot2
{rintimg} 0.1.0: View an image in full screen by clicking on it
Updated Packages
{checkhelper}: A package to help deal with devtools::check outputs
{future 1.19.1} - Making Sure Proper Random Numbers are Produced in Parallel Processing
Videos and Podcasts
Gist & Cookbook
The Shiny Corner
R Internationally
Handle class imbalance in #TidyTuesday climbing expedition data with tidymodels
S3 Classes and {vctrs} to Create a Soccer Pitch Control Model
Running an R Script on a Schedule: Overview; Gitlab; GitHub Actions; Heroku
Introducing the {triangular} package for decomposing complex polygons to triangles
Exporting editable ggplot graphics to PowerPoint with officer and purrr
Introducing the rintimg Package. Click on an Image and See it on Full Screen
Free text in surveys - important issues in the 2017 New Zealand Election Study by @ellis2013nz
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
#rstats PSA: CRAN pkg pages now also have Twitter & Facebook OpenGraph meta tags (in addition to Highwire Press & Dublin Core tags), thanks to Kurt Hornik and @RetoStauffer2.
— Achim Zeileis (@AchimZeileis) September 24, 2020
So CRAN pkg links now look like this:https://t.co/19oYscpgUM
For my birthday my labs WROTE ME AN R PACKAGE that spits out happy birthday messages and makes me guess who each one is from and SHAMES ME when I get them wrong. These people are NERDS and need to be stopped. (They're also so so so nice and I love them.)
— Joel Le Forestier (@JoelLeForestier) September 24, 2020
My talk about {learnr} for @rstudio conf was accepted.
— Yanina Bellini Saibene (@yabellini) September 22, 2020
The best part was sharing the process with the LatAm community. The advice I received improved my proposal.
None of the selected ones got there alone. I don't get there alone.
Thank you!! Gracias, Infinitas gracias. https://t.co/8Co364BPr0
Thanks for visiting r-craft.org
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