R Weekly 2020-24 AfricaR/MiR/R-Ladies useR! tutorials, seven American generations, iris
This article is originally published at
Hello and welcome to this new issue!
This week’s release was curated by Ryo Nakagawara, with help from the RWeekly team members and contributors.
R in the Real World
Registration form for MiR (“Minorities in R”) slack workspace as a member or ally. MiR Community serves to bring together underrepresented minorities who use R within industry and academia.
Interactive tutorial version of “R basics: a practical introduction to R” workshop
Market Analysis Course (Interactive, Free, and with a lot of R)
cranalerts: Get email alerts when a CRAN package gets updated
New Packages
- ganttrify - A package and shiny app to facilitate the creation of nice-looking Gantt charts, commonly used in project proposals and project management.
rrapply - An extended version of base-R’s
-function with several added features useful for nested list recursion.
{whiteboxR}: R frontend of a stand-alone executable command-line program called WhiteboxTools
{robservable}: Use Observable notebooks (or part of them) as htmlwidgets in R
???? Go Live for More New Pkgs ????
{readsdr} 0.1.0: Translate Models from System Dynamics Software into ‘R’
{datos} 0.3.0: Traduce al Español Varios Conjuntos de Datos de Práctica
{gretlR} 0.1.0: Knit-Engine for ‘Gretl’
{gpindex} 0.1.1: Generalized Price and Quantity Indexes
{ggdist} 2.1.1: Visualizations of Distributions and Uncertainty
{asciichartr} 0.1.0: Lightweight ASCII Line Graphs
{AATtools} 0.0.1: Reliability and Scoring Routines for the Approach-Avoidance Task
{tidygeoRSS} 0.0.1: Tidy GeoRSS
{semnova} 0.1-5: Latent Repeated Measures ANOVA
{scoringutils} 0.1.0: Utilities for Scoring and Assessing Predictions
{Relectoral} 0.1.0: Electoral Analysis
GitHub or Bitbucket
{nakedpipe}: Pipe Into a Sequence of Calls Without Repeating the Pipe Symbol
{vdemdata}: Load, explore and work with the most recent V-Dem (Varieties of Democracy) dataset
Updated Packages
Version 0.1.4 of nnlib2Rcpp: a(nother) R package for Neural Networks
{ggfittext} 0.9.0: Fit Text Inside a Box in ‘ggplot2’
{circlize} 0.4.10: Circular Visualization
{rayimage} 0.3.0: Image Processing for Simulated Cameras
{immunarch} 0.6.5: Bioinformatics Analysis of T-Cell and B-Cell Immune Repertoires
{gwsem} 2.0.5: Genome-Wide Structural Equation Modeling
{smoothedLasso} 1.3: Smoothed LASSO Regression via Nesterov Smoothing
{lpSolveAPI} R Interface to ‘lp_solve’ Version
{locStra} 1.4: Fast Implementation of (Local) Population Stratification Methods
{gRain} 1.3-5: Graphical Independence Networks
{xgboost} Extreme Gradient Boosting
{wikifacts} 0.3.0: Generates Facts Sourced from the Wikipedia Main Page
{gtsummary} 1.3.2: Presentation-Ready Data Summary and Analytic Result Tables
{salesforcer} 0.1.4: An Implementation of ‘Salesforce’ APIs Using Tidy Principles
Videos and Podcasts
R Internationally
Installation of R 4.0 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and tips for spatial packages
When proportional odds is a poor assumption, collapsing categories is probably not going to save you
Basic {sf} functionality for analyzing and plotting geospatial data
Wilcoxon test in R: how to compare 2 groups under the non-normality assumption
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
I was today years old when I realised that by using four hashes at the start and at the end of the line you can create code sections. Forever gone are the days of frantic scrolling #rstats pic.twitter.com/mIXCMRZgXj
— Karolina Urbanska (@karo_urb) June 11, 2020
Hi @RStatsJobs , I'm here to make your life easier????. Yup, I'm you, but in bot form????.
— RStatsJobsBot (@RStatsJobsBot) June 13, 2020
I'm going to retweet and report on available #RStats related positions.
I would really appreciate your RT✌️@rstudio @hadleywickham @juliasilge @ledell @visnut @JennyBryan @RLadiesGlobal
Thanks for visiting r-craft.org
This article is originally published at
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