R Weekly 2020-22 Teaching R Markdown, SVG graphics, parsing JSON
This article is originally published at
Hello and welcome to this new issue!
Release Date: 2020-06-01
This week’s release was curated by Jonathan Carroll, with help from the RWeekly team members and contributors.
- How I Teach R Markdown
- Superior svg graphics rendering in R, and why it matters
- Easily parsing JSON in R with jsonlite and purrr
- My Favorite dplyr 1.0.0 Features
- What It Takes to Tidy Census Data
- Easy PixelCNN with tfprobability
- Easily parsing JSON in R with jsonlite and purrr
- covid19 & some computational-corpus linguistics
- Superior svg graphics rendering in R, and why it matters
- ????The Tidyvision Song Contest
- How I Teach R Markdown
- caracas: Computer Algebra in R via SymPy
- Syntax Highlighting in Blogdown; a very specific solution
- {almanac} 0.1.0
- Mad methods
- Testing R on Emulated Platforms
- How to distribute data with your R package
- AdaOpt classification on MNIST handwritten digits (without preprocessing)
- April 2020: “Top 40” New CRAN Packages
- Correlation coefficient and correlation test in R
- Polygons to hexagons
Tidymodels and XGBoost; a few learnings
- PCA and UMAP with tidymodels and #TidyTuesday cocktail recipes
- Learning Statistics: Randomness is a Strange Beast
- Dummy variables in R
- How to Create Dummy Variables in R (with Examples)
- tidylo is now on CRAN! ????
- Considering the number of categories in an ordinal outcome
- Introducing the hacksaw package
- Brief overview of the tidymodels workflow using bayesian optimisation
- {reactable} 2.0.0 Now with cross-widget interactions
R in the Real World
R in Academia
- Pixelate to communicate: visualising uncertainty in maps of disease risk and other spatial continua (package: {pixelate})
- Critique of “Projecting the transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 through the postpandemic period” — Part 1: Reproducing the results
- RTutor: How would Carbon Pricing Affect US Electricity Production?
- Visualizing text-based data
New Packages
???? Go Live for More New Pkgs ????
- {newscatcheR} 0.0.1: Programmatically Collect Normalized News from (Almost) Any Website
- {genius} 2.2.2: Easily Access Song Lyrics from Genius.com
- {almanac} 0.1.0: Tools for Working with Recurrence Rules
- {tidylo} 0.1.0: Weighted Tidy Log Odds Ratio
- {nombre} 0.1.0: Number Names
- {nhlapi} 0.1.2: A Minimum-Dependency ‘R’ Interface to the ‘NHL’ API
- {applicable} 0.0.1: A Compilation of Applicability Domain Methods
- {upsetjs} 1.0.2: ‘HTMLWidget’ Wrapper of ‘UpSet.s’ for Exploring Large Set Intersections
- {sketcher} 0.1.3: Pencil Sketch Effect
- {BOJ} 0.2.2: Interface to Bank of Japan Statistics
- {ROpenCVLite} 0.4.430: Install ‘OpenCV’
Updated Packages
- {modelsummary} 0.3.0
- {NIMBLE} 0.9.1
- {RcppSimdJson} 0.0.5: Updated Upstream
- {bitmexr} 0.3.0
- {tidyr} 1.1.0
- {reactable} 0.2.0
- {strand} 0.1.3
- {timetk} 2.0.0
- {rmarkdown} 2.2
- {ukpolice} 0.2.1
- {gratia} 0.4.1
- {ggstatsplot} 0.5.0
- {jsonify} 1.2.0
- {exiftoolr} 0.1.3
- {drat} 0.1.6
- {chk} 0.5.0
- {tidytable} 0.5.1
- {dplyr} 1.0.0
- {texreg} 1.37.1
- {copula} 1.0-0
- {pkgload} 1.1.0
- {ggplot2} 3.3.1
- {pins} 0.4.1
- {slider} 0.1.4
- {StanHeaders} 2.21.0-3
- {tidyjson} 0.3.0
- {trelliscopejs} 0.2.5
- {survminer} 0.4.7
- {rgdal} 1.5-8
- {reticulate} 1.16
- {dbplyr} 1.4.4
- {brms} 2.13.0
- {tibbletime} 0.1.4
- {rbokeh} 0.5.1
- {httpuv}
- {modelsummary} 0.3.0
- {tables} 0.9.3
- {geofacet} 0.2.0
- {biglm} 0.9-2
Videos and Podcasts
- How to publish a Shiny app: example with shinyapps.io
- How to upload your R code on GitHub: example with an R script on MacOS
- Get Apple’s Mobility Data
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
Found a link on Twitter you want to submit to @rweekly_org? It's now even easier! Just tag @rweekly_submit in a direct reply to the tweet linking to the post and we'll consider it for the next issue. pic.twitter.com/yiLyM9RD6S
— R Weekly Submit (@rweekly_submit) May 26, 2020
{hacksaw} can now shift values left and right across rows: pic.twitter.com/AVn8wF8Ger
— David Ranzolin (@daranzolin) May 27, 2020
— Antonio Sánchez Chinchón (@aschinchon) May 26, 2020
seq(-3,3,by=.01) %>%
expand.grid(x=., y=.) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=(1-x-sin(y^2)), y=(1+y-cos(x^2)))) +
geom_point(alpha=.05, shape=20, size=0)+
coord_polar()#rstats #generativeart #maths pic.twitter.com/SilNMUFmpe
an autumnal voronoi tree pic.twitter.com/D6XoIHxo8F
— Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro) May 30, 2020
Thanks for visiting r-craft.org
This article is originally published at
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