R Weekly 2018-52 tidyverse, r-lib
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Hello and welcome to this new issue!
R in the Real World
New Packages
- AzureStor - working with Azure storage
Updated Packages
BH 1.69.0-0 - pre-releases and three required changes
linl 0.0.3 - A LaTeX Letter class for rmarkdown
Spelling 2.0 - Improved Markdown and RStudio Support
lobstr 1.0.0 - Visualising R data structures with trees
readxl 1.2.0 - The readxl package makes it easy to get data out of Excel and into R
httr 1.4.0 - A wrapper for the curl package, customised to the demands of modern web APIs
Functional Programming helpers from purrr and friends, part 1
How to parameterise a prior when all you know is the mean and one other percentile.
Writing R functions that pass arguments into parameterized SQL queries.
h3jsr: Probably should have learned more JavaScript instead >.>
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
More past events at R conferences & meetups.
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
?For like... I don't know, years, every time I wanted to _pull_ out a column from a data frame, I would do this
— Stephanie Hicks (@stephaniehicks) December 21, 2018
mtcars %>% .$mpg
Today I discovered this awesome function in dplyr
mtcars %>% pull(mpg)
? tip @shian_su ??? #rstats #thingsthatmakemehappy #yourewelcome
Thanks for visiting r-craft.org
This article is originally published at
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