In case you missed it: July 2018 roundup
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In case you missed them, here are some articles from July of particular interest to R users.
A program to validate quality and security for R packages: the Linux Foundation's CII Best Practices Badge Program.
R scripts to generate images in the style of famous artworks, like Mondrian's.
A 6-minute video tour of the AI and Machine Learning services in Azure, including R.
The July roundup of AI, Machine Learning and Data Science news.
An R package for tiling hexagon-shaped images, used to create a striking banner of hex stickers for useR!2018.
Highlights and links to videos from the useR!2018 conference.
Video and R scripts from a workshop on creating an app to detect images of hotdogs.
Microsoft has released a number of open data sets produced from its research programs.
And some general interest stories (not necessarily related to R):
- An app to visualize the distribution of street orientations in cities
- A TED talk explores the link between spoken language and the way we think
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