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Below is a list of contributors to this blog.
Name | Role | Bio |
Joseph Rickert | Ambassador at Large | Joseph is RStudio’s “Ambassador at Large” for all things R, is the chief editor of the R Views blog. He works with the rest of the RStudio team and the R Consortium to promote open source activities, the R language and the R Community. Joseph also represents RStudio on the R Consortium board of directors. |
Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel | Data Scientist and Professional Educator | Mine is Professional Educator at RStudio and Assistant Professor of the Practice at Duke University. Her work focuses on innovation in statistics pedagogy, with an emphasis on computation, reproducible research, open-source education, and student-centered learning. She is the author of three open-source introductory statistics textbooks as part of the OpenIntro project and teaches the popular Statistics with R MOOC on Coursera. |
Jonathan Regenstein | Enterprise Advocate | Jonathan studied International Relations as an undergraduate at Harvard, worked in finance at JP Morgan and then did graduate work in Political Economy at Emory University before joining RStudio. |
Sean Lopp | Solutions Engineer | Sean leads teams to create useful, enjoyable products. Before RStudio he was a data scientist and worked on alternative vehicle models at NREL, infant sleep dynamics, and originally studied mathematics. He lives outside Denver, CO and skis and bikes with his family. |
Nathan Stephens | Director of Solutions Engineering | Nathan has a background in analytic solutions and consulting. He has experience building data science teams, architecting analytic infrastructure, and delivering innovative data products. He is a long time user of R. |
Edgar Ruiz | Solutions Engineer | Edgar has a background in deploying enterprise reporting and business intelligence solutions. He is the author of multiple articles and blog posts sharing analytics insights and server infrastructure for data science. Recently, Edgar authored the “Data Science on Spark using sparklyr” cheat sheet. |
James Blair | Solutions Engineer | James holds a master’s degree in data science from the University of the Pacific and works as a solutions engineer. His past consulting work centered around helping businesses derive insight from data assets by leveraging R. Outside of R and data science, James’s interests include spending time with his wife and children, cooking, camping, cycling, racquetball, and exquisite food. Also, he never turns down a funnel cake. |
Andrie de Vries | Solutions Engineer | Andrie started using R in 2009 for market research statistics. He is a regular contributor to StackOverflow and co-author of “R for Dummies”. He contributed several R packages to CRAN, including miniCRAN, checkpoint, ggdendro, sss, and surveydata, and regularly speaks at industry events and R user groups. He is a qualified yoga teacher, and continues to study yoga therapy annually in Chennai, India. |
Greg Wilson | Data Scientist and Professional Educator | Greg Wilson has been a programmer, a teacher, and an author, and is now combining all three roles as a data scientist and professional educator at RStudio. He was the co-founder of Software Carpentry, a non-profit organization that teaches basic computing skills to researchers, and co-editor of “Beautiful Code”, “Making Software”, and “The Architecture of Open Source Applications”. In his spare time, he writes children’s books and is learning to play the cello. |
Max Kuhn | Software Engineer | Max Kuhn is a software engineer at RStudio. He is currently working on improving R’s modeling capabilities. He was a Director of Nonclinical Statistics at Pfizer Global R&D in Connecticut. He was applying models in the pharmaceutical and diagnostic industries for over 18 years. Max has a Ph.D. in Biostatistics. Max is the author of a number of R packages for techniques in machine learning and reproducible research and is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Statistical Software. He, and Kjell Johnson, wrote the book Applied Predictive Modeling, which won the Ziegel award from the American Statistical Association, which recognizes the best book reviewed in Technometrics in 2015. Their new book, Feature Engineering and Selection, was released in 2019. |
Alex Gold | Solutions Engineer | Alex is a longtime data nerd who worked on economic policy research, electoral politics, and healthcare at various times. He enjoys cooking and practicing martial arts and handstands in his spare time. |
Cole Arendt | Solutions Engineer | Cole is a solutions engineer and has a background in mathematics and big data. He has architected and managed analytic frameworks for reporting that use R, SAS, and Tableau. He has a diverse set of skills and interests that include soccer, philosophy, economics, and open source software. Cole lives in Raleigh, NC with his wife and two young children. |
Garrett Grolemund | Data Scientist and Professional Educator | Garrett specializes in teaching, data science, and teaching data science. He has a PhD in Statistics, wrote the popular lubridate package, invented the RStudio cheatsheets, and has (co)authored three books: Hands-On Programming with R, R for Data Science, and R Markdown: The Definitive Guide. |
Hadrien Dykiel | Customer Success Representative | Hadrien is an avid adventurer who grew up training horses. He now continues to ride on weekends along with trail running and working towards his private pilot’s license. He fell in love with data science and R after college and has worked in various industries including tech and insurance. He is now a member of the customer success team at RStudio. |
Kelly O’Briant | Solutions Engineer | Kelly O’Briant is a solutions engineer at RStudio interested in configuration and workflow management with a passion for R administration. |
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