Building R 4+ for Windows with OpenBLAS
This article is originally published at
This post outlines the steps needed to build R 4+ for Windows with OpenBLAS. The release of R 4.0 includes significant changes to the Windows build system from prior versions—for the better! Before anything, we all owe Jeroen Ooms significant gratitude for the many hours he spent working on the build system. Thank you, Jeroen!!
The build process below creates an installation file for both 32-bit and 64-bit R but makes some compromises. Extra time spent building the installer is traded for reduced time spent adjusting files and minimizing needed file changes. The OpenBLAS library itself is built using the “dynamic” keyword so it will work for all architectures, and it is built to use up to 64 threads. It isn’t completely optimized to the actual building CPU, which is not only reasonable but necessary. A centralized library must be generic enough to serve all comers. Eventually, I hope to refine the process to build just the 64 bit version and to link to a static, locally-compiled, and locally-optimized OpenBLAS library. Lastly, I intend to address the steps needed to add specific packages from source like XML or nloptr in a future post. For now, installation as binaries should work.
Step 1: Install Rtools40
Installing Rtools40 is straightforward. Make sure to download the 64 bit version and add the PATH variable as described on the website.
Step 2: Install the necessary support software
Install MiKTeX and Inno Setup to their default locations if they are not already. Install qpdf anywhere if you wish to use it.
Step 3: Obtaining the R-windows build scripts
Clone or download the r-windows/r-base repository from Github. Personally, I download the ZIP file. I tend to monkey around a lot with the code while figuring out how to customize the build, so I do not want to clone/fork the original repository. When I am ready to suggest changes, I clone the repository and send a pull request. Regardless, there should be a directory with the files listed at the r-base repository, likely called r-base-master
Step 4: Create blas patch
The build uses the same process which works in R3+; it hooks OpenBLAS into the build via the ATLAS variables in the Makefiles. However, the new system downloads the R source code as part of the build process, so changes to src/extra/blas/
are made using patch file instead of manual edits. Therefore, save the following text as a file named blas.diff
in the same subdirectory as the extracted/cloned files.
--- a/src/extra/blas/ +++ b/src/extra/blas/ @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ ../../../$(BINDIR)/Rblas.dll: blas00.o ../../gnuwin32/dllversion.o @$(ECHO) -------- Building $@ -------- $(DLL) -shared $(DLLFLAGS) -o $@ $^ Rblas.def \ - -L../../../$(IMPDIR) -lR -L"$(ATLAS_PATH)" -lf77blas -latlas + -L../../../$(IMPDIR) -lR -L"$(ATLAS_PATH)" -lopenblas else ../../../$(BINDIR)/Rblas.dll: blas.o cmplxblas.o ../../gnuwin32/dllversion.o @$(ECHO) -------- Building $@ --------
Step 5: Adjust existing files
Make the following changes to the build files to ensure that OpenBLAS is pulled from pacman (the package manager, not the Namco character) and that the proper libraries are accessed at the right times.
Add the highlighted line to
after the call to cairo, tk, and curl. This is where other packages like nlopt or xml will be added eventually too.
pacman -S --needed --noconfirm mingw-w64-{i686,x86_64}-{cairo,tk,curl} pacman -S --needed --noconfirm mingw-w64-{i686,x86_64}-openblas
Edit EOPTS (extra optimization flags) in
as in prior versions of R. Personally, I use -march=native -pipe
as I build bespoke R installers for each machine I use. To use the same installer on different computers I recommend -mtune=generic -pipe
. See the GCC 8.3 documentation for more on optimization flags.
Next, add and edit the following lines under #Enable features
USE_ATLAS = YES ATLAS_PATH="/mingw$(WIN)/lib/"
This tells the build to use the OpenBLAS libraries and where to find both the 32 and 64 bit versions.
To use qpdf, add the following under # For building docs/installer
, substituting the proper path.
QPDF = /path/to/qpdf
Adjusting this file is more complicated. Add the highlighted lines below to PKGBUILD in their appropriate locations:
# Maintainer: Jeroen Ooms <[email protected]> _realname=r-installer pkgbase=${_realname} pkgname="${_realname}" pkgver=4.0.9000 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="The R Programming Language" arch=('any') makedepends=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-bzip2" "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-gcc" "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-gcc-fortran" "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-cairo" "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-curl" "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-icu" "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-libtiff" "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-libjpeg" "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-libpng" "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-pcre2" "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-tcl" "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-tk" "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-xz" "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-zlib" "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-openblas" "texinfo" "texinfo-tex" "sed") options=('staticlibs') license=("GPL") url="" # Default source is R-devel (override via $rsource_url) source=(R-source.tar.gz::"${rsource_url:-}" shortcut.diff blas.diff) # Automatic untar fails due to embedded symlinks noextract=(R-source.tar.gz) sha256sums=('SKIP' 'SKIP' 'SKIP' 'SKIP' 'SKIP' 'SKIP') prepare() { # Verify that InnoSetup is installed INNOSETUP="C:/Program Files (x86)/Inno Setup 6/ISCC.exe" msg2 "Testing for $INNOSETUP" test -f "$INNOSETUP" "$INNOSETUP" 2>/dev/null || true # Put pdflatex on the path (assume Miktex 2.9) msg2 "Checking if pdflatex and texindex can be found..." export PATH="$PATH:/c/progra~1/MiKTeX 2.9/miktex/bin/x64" pdflatex --version texindex --version # Extract tarball with symlink workarounds msg2 "Extracting R source tarball..." rm -rf ${srcdir}/R-source mkdir -p ${srcdir}/R-source MSYS="winsymlinks:lnk" tar -xf ${srcdir}/R-source.tar.gz -C ${srcdir}/R-source --strip-components=1 cd "${srcdir}/R-source" # Ship the CA bundle cp "${srcdir}/cacert.pem" etc/curl-ca-bundle.crt # Ship the TclTk runtime bundle msg2 "Creating the TclTk runtime bundle" mkdir -p Tcl/{bin,bin64,lib,lib64} ${srcdir}/ # Add your patches here patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/shortcut.diff" patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/blas.diff" } build() { msg2 "Copying source files for 32-bit build..." rm -Rf ${srcdir}/build32 MSYS="winsymlinks:lnk" cp -Rf "${srcdir}/R-source" ${srcdir}/build32 # Build 32 bit version msg2 "Building 32-bit version of base R..." cd "${srcdir}/build32/src/gnuwin32" sed -e "s|@win@|32|" -e "s|@texindex@||" -e "s|@home32@||" "${srcdir}/" > MkRules.local #make 32-bit SHELL='sh -x' make 32-bit # Build 64 bit + docs and installers msg2 "Building 64-bit distribution" cd "${srcdir}/R-source/src/gnuwin32" TEXINDEX=$(cygpath -m $(which texindex)) sed -e "s|@win@|64|" -e "s|@texindex@|${TEXINDEX}|" -e "s|@home32@|${srcdir}/build32|" "${srcdir}/" > MkRules.local make distribution } check(){ # Use cloud mirror for CRAN unit test #export R_CRAN_WEB="" # Run 64 bit checks in foreground cd "${srcdir}/R-source/src/gnuwin32" echo "===== 64 bit checks =====" make check-all } package() { # Derive output locations REVISION=$((read x; echo ${x:10}) < "${srcdir}/R-source/SVN-REVISION") CRANDIR="${srcdir}/R-source/src/gnuwin32/cran" # This sets TARGET variable $(sed -e 's|set|export|' "${CRANDIR}/target.cmd") # Copy CRAN release files cp "${srcdir}/R-source/SVN-REVISION" "${pkgdir}/SVN-REVISION.${target}" cp "${CRANDIR}/NEWS.${target}.html" ${pkgdir}/ cp "${CRANDIR}/README.${target}" ${pkgdir}/ # Determine which webpage variant to ship from target (for example "R-3.4.1beta") case "$target" in *devel|*testing) cp "${CRANDIR}/rdevel.html" "${pkgdir}/" ;; *patched|*alpha|*beta|*rc) cp "${CRANDIR}/rpatched.html" "${pkgdir}/" cp "${CRANDIR}/rtest.html" "${pkgdir}/" ;; R-4*) cp "${CRANDIR}/index.html" "${pkgdir}/" cp "${CRANDIR}/md5sum.txt" "${pkgdir}/" cp "${CRANDIR}/rw-FAQ.html" "${pkgdir}/" cp "${CRANDIR}/release.html" "${pkgdir}/" REVISION="$target" ;; *) echo "Unknown release type: $target" exit 1 ;; esac # Helper for appveyor script echo "set revision=${REVISION}" >> "${CRANDIR}/target.cmd" cp "${CRANDIR}/target.cmd" ${pkgdir}/ }
Step 6: Build R
Launch Rtools40 via msys.exe
which creates a shell window. Navigate to the subdirectory where the build files are using Unix style. For example, if the files are in “c:\R\R40”, navigate to “/c/R/R40”. Invoke the build via “./
” which will probably run for hours. The process updates all the necessary components, builds both the 32 bit and 64 bit versions of R using OpenBLAS, checks the results for each version, and packages the build into an executable installer file. When done, the desired R-devel-win.exe
will be either in the above subdirectory or in /src/R-source/src/gnuwin32/installer
, if not both. This the executable which installs R 4+ for Windows with OpenBLAS!
Final notes, for now
Installing and using this modified version of R should pose no problems, nor should installing most packages from source. There are some packages which rely on compiled libraries—such as XML or nlopt—for which extra steps are needed to build from source. However, these are few and may be installed as binaries for now. I’d appreciate thoughts and corrections in the comments; good luck!
The post Building R 4+ for Windows with OpenBLAS appeared first on Strange Attractors.
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