Author: statcompute

Transpose in Clojure

(require ‘[huri.core :as h] ‘[clojure.core.matrix.dataset :as d] ‘[incanter.core :as i]) ;; FROM MAP OF ROWS TO MAP OF COLUMNS (def byRow [{:x 1 :y “a”} {:x 2 :y “b”} {:x...continue reading.

Clojure Integration with R

(require ‘[tnoda.rashinban :as rr] ‘[tnoda.rashinban.core :as rc] ‘[clojure.core.matrix.dataset :as dt] ‘[clojure.core.matrix.impl.dataset :as id]) ;; CREATE A TOY DATA (def ds [{:id 1.0 :name “name1”} {:id 2.0 :n…continue reading.

Parse CSV File with Headers in Clojure

; (defproject prj “0.1.0-SNAPSHOT” ; :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure “1.8.0”] ; [org.clojars.bmabey/csvlib “0.3.6”] ; [ultra-csv “0.2.1”] ; [incanter “1.5.7”] ; [semantic-csv “0.2.1-alpha1”] ; [org.clojure/data.csv “0.1.4”]]) (require ‘[csvlib :…continue reading.

For Loop and Map in Clojure

;; DEFINE THE DATABASE (def db {:classname “org.sqlite.JDBC” :subprotocol “sqlite” :subname “/home/liuwensui/Downloads/chinook.db”}) ;; CALL PACKAGES (require ‘[ :as j] ‘[criterium.core :as c] ‘[cloju…continue reading.

MLE in R

When I learned and experimented a new model, I always like to start with its likelihood function in order to gain a better understanding about the statistical nature. That’s why...continue reading.

Granular Monotonic Binning in SAS

In the post (, it is shown how to do a finer monotonic binning with isotonic regression in R. Below is a SAS macro implementing the monotonic binning with the...continue reading.

Model Non-Negative Numeric Outcomes with Zeros

As mentioned in the previous post (, we often need to model non-negative numeric outcomes with zeros in the operational loss model development. Tweedie GLM provides a convenient interface to...continue reading.

DART: Dropout Regularization in Boosting Ensembles

The dropout approach developed by Hinton has been widely employed in deep learnings to prevent the deep neural network from overfitting, as shown in In the paper, the...continue reading.