An Example of Merge Layer in Keras
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The power of a DNN does not only come from its depth but also come from its flexibility of accommodating complex network structures. For instance, the DNN shown below consists of two branches, the left with 4 inputs and the right with 6 inputs. In addition, the right branch shows a more complicated structure than the left.
InputLayer (None, 6) Dense (None, 6) BatchNormalization (None, 6) Dense (None, 6) InputLayer (None, 4) BatchNormalization (None, 6) Dense (None, 4) Dense (None, 6) BatchNormalization (None, 4) BatchNormalization (None, 6) \____________________________________/ | Merge (None, 10) Dense (None, 1)
To create a DNN as the above, both left and right branches are defined separately with corresponding inputs and layers. In the line 29, both branches would be combined with a MERGE layer. There are multiple benefits of such merged DNNs. For instance, the DNN has the flexibility to handle various inputs differently. In addition, new features can be added conveniently without messing around with the existing network structure.
from pandas import read_csv, DataFrame from numpy.random import seed from sklearn.preprocessing import scale from keras.models import Sequential from keras.constraints import maxnorm from keras.optimizers import SGD from keras.layers import Dense, Merge from keras.layers.normalization import BatchNormalization from keras_diagram import ascii df = read_csv("credit_count.txt") Y = df[df.CARDHLDR == 1].DEFAULTS X1 = scale(df[df.CARDHLDR == 1][["MAJORDRG", "MINORDRG", "OWNRENT", "SELFEMPL"]]) X2 = scale(df[df.CARDHLDR == 1][["AGE", "ACADMOS", "ADEPCNT", "INCPER", "EXP_INC", "INCOME"]]) branch1 = Sequential() branch1.add(Dense(X1.shape[1], input_shape = (X1.shape[1],), init = 'normal', activation = 'relu')) branch1.add(BatchNormalization()) branch2 = Sequential() branch2.add(Dense(X2.shape[1], input_shape = (X2.shape[1],), init = 'normal', activation = 'relu')) branch2.add(BatchNormalization()) branch2.add(Dense(X2.shape[1], init = 'normal', activation = 'relu', W_constraint = maxnorm(5))) branch2.add(BatchNormalization()) branch2.add(Dense(X2.shape[1], init = 'normal', activation = 'relu', W_constraint = maxnorm(5))) branch2.add(BatchNormalization()) model = Sequential() model.add(Merge([branch1, branch2], mode = 'concat')) model.add(Dense(1, init = 'normal', activation = 'sigmoid')) sgd = SGD(lr = 0.1, momentum = 0.9, decay = 0, nesterov = False) model.compile(loss = 'binary_crossentropy', optimizer = sgd, metrics = ['accuracy']) seed(2017)[X1, X2], Y.values, batch_size = 2000, nb_epoch = 100, verbose = 1)
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