A set of #rstats #AdventureTime themed #openscience slide decks
This article is originally published at http://www.christopherlortie.info
I recently completed a set of data science for biostatistics training exercises for graduate students. I extensively used R for Data Science and Efficient R programming to develop a set of Adventure Time R-statistics slide decks. Whilst I recognize that they are very minimal in terms of text, I hope that the general visual flow can provide a sense of the big picture philosophy that R data science and R statistics offer contemporary scientists.
Slide decks
- WhyR? How tidy data, open science, and R align to promote open science practices.
- Become a data wrangleR. An introduction to the philosophy, tips, and associated use of dplyr.
- Contemporary data viz in R. Philosophy of grammar of graphics, ggplot2, and some simple rules for effective data viz.
- Exploratory data analysis and models in R. An explanation of the difference between EDA and model fitting in R. Then, a short preview of how to highlighting modelR.
- Efficient statistics in R. A visual summary of the ‘Efficient R Programming’ book ideas including chunk your work, efficient planning, efficient planning, and efficient coding suggestions in R.
Here is the knitted RMarkdown html notes from the course too https://cjlortie.github.io/r.stats/, and all the materials can be downloaded from the associated GitHub repo.
I hope this collection of goodies can be helpful to others.
Thanks for visiting r-craft.org
This article is originally published at http://www.christopherlortie.info
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