8 reasons why you should submit an abstract for EARL
This article is originally published at https://www.mango-solutions.com
What is EARL?
The Enterprise Applications of the R Language Conference (EARL) is a cross-sector conference focusing on the commercial use of the R programming language. The conference is dedicated to the real-world usage of R with some of the world’s leading practitioners.
Who is it For?
If you use R in your organisation, the EARL Conference is for you and your team. Whether you’re coding, wrangling data, leading a team of R users, or making data-driven decisions, EARL offers insights you can action in your company.
Why Attend?
The best in the business present their real-world projects, ideas and solutions at EARL each year and it’s the perfect opportunity to see how others are using R in production.
“Fantastic conference. EARL never lets me down in providing an insightful, applicable and fun experience to learn from other companies on how they apply R in their enterprises.”
If you’re considering submitting an abstract to present at future EARL events – and need a little more persuading, here are eight reasons why you should apply to present:
1. Networking
EARL attracts over 300 delegates from a huge range of industries. We make sure to provide plenty of opportunities for you to connect with your fellow R users. If that sounds daunting – don’t worry – plenty of delegates attend solo and we are delighted that EARL attracts such a welcoming and friendly crowd. As a speaker, networking will be easier as people will recognise you and have plenty of questions about your session.
2. Increase your professional experience
Many of our selected speakers have only presented a handful of times, and some never. If you have been aiming to increase your presenting experience, then EARL is the perfect venue. Our audiences are both appreciative and attentive and always have questions to ask – and it’s a great experience to add to your CV.
3. Help Others
The R community is well known for being wonderfully inclusive, supportive and generous. So it’s nice to be able to contribute and help others. Presenting on your challenges and your solutions will definitely help others, even if they work in completely different industries.
4. Refine your ideas
As we all know, projects don’t always go to plan, by sharing your commercial usage of R you might get advice or tips from the audience to take away.
5. Promote you
As a speaker you will get 30 minutes to share your work. EARL can give you a platform to share what you do with people from different industries and varying sizes of company.
6. Free Ticket
As a selected speaker you will get a free ticket for the day of your presentation along with a free ticket for our Wednesday night conference networking event*.
7. Be the Best Boss
If you head up a team and encourage a team member to submit a talk, they will enjoy a great conference and return with a sense of pride at having shared your team’s work and inspired by all that they’ve learned.
8. Have fun!
Sharing your passion for R with a room full of like-minded people makes for a great environment; by sharing what you know you will be starting plenty of conversations. The networking events are a great place to celebrate your presentation and have a good time!
For more information about #EARLconf visit our Event page.
The post 8 reasons why you should submit an abstract for EARL appeared first on Mango Solutions.
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This article is originally published at https://www.mango-solutions.com
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