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Back in July we made the difficult decision to cancel rstudio:conf(2021) for the health and safety of our attendees and the broader community.
Today, we are thrilled to announce that rstudio::global(2021), our first ever virtual event focused on all things R and RStudio, now has a date locked in: January 21, 2021!
Our goal is to make rstudio::global(2021) our most inclusive and global event, making the most of the freedom from geographical and economic constraints that comes with an online event. That means that the conference will be free, designed around participation from every time zone, and have speakers from around the world.
What is rstudio::global(2021)?
A 24-hour hour global virtual event (so make sure you don’t run out of coffee!)
3 awesome keynotes. More on that below!
30 talks with live Q&A. Learn from a diverse array of experts about a wide range topics of interest to data scientists.
20 rapid fire lightning talks.
30+ birds of a feather (BoF) sessions. One of the best parts of rstudio::conf is connecting with so many amazing people in the data science community. The BoFs provide an opportunity to connect with people who are working on the same problems, in the same fields, and using the same tools.
Social events. Fun and interesting opportunities to connect with your peers.
Diversity scholar program. We believe in building on-ramps so that people from diverse backgrounds can learn R, build their knowledge, and then contribute back to the community. Since this conference will be virtual, we will be opening up the program to participants from all over the world. Expect to hear more on this soon!
Who are the keynote speakers?

Vicki Boykis
Vicki Boykis is a machine learning engineer at Automattic, the company behind She works mostly in Python, R, Spark, and SQL, and really enjoys building end-to-end data products. Outside of work she publishes the Normcore Tech newsletter and blogs at In her "spare time", she blogs, reads, and writes terrible joke tweets about data.
Vicky will discuss how that as people who can write code and analyze data, we have a lot of input and power over what our digital and work worlds looks like, and therefore can act as agents of change and repair.

John Burn-Murdoch
John Burn-Murdoch is the Financial Times' senior data visualisation journalist, and creator of the FT's coronavirus trajectory tracker charts. He has been leading the FT's data-driven coverage of the pandemic, exploring its impacts on health, the economy and wider society. When pandemics are not happening, he also uses data and graphics to tell stories on topics including politics, economics, climate change and sport, and is a visiting lecturer at the London School of Economics.
John will discuss the lessons he's learned reporting on and visualising the pandemic, including the world of difference between making charts for a technical audience and making charts for a mass audience. You'll learn from his experience navigating the highly personal and political context within which people consume and evaluate graphics and data, and how that can help us better design and communicate with visualisations down the pipeline for the future.

Hadley Wickham
Hadley is Chief Scientist at RStudio, a member of the R Foundation, and Adjunct Professor at Stanford University and the University of Auckland. He builds tools (both computational and cognitive) to make data science easier, faster, and more fun. His work includes packages for data science (the tidyverse: including ggplot2, dplyr, tidyr, purrr, and readr) and principled software development (roxygen2, testthat, devtools, pkgdown).
Hadley will talk about how the tidyverse has evolved since its creation (just five years ago!). You'll learn about our greatest successes, learn from our biggest failures, and get some hints of what's coming down the pipeline for the future.
Registration for rstudio::global(2021) will open in early December
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