R Weekly 2025-W04 flowcharts, data.table entry points, surface brain data
This article is originally published at https://rweekly.org/
Hello and welcome to this new issue!
This week’s release was curated by Ryo Nakagawara, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
- Flowcharts made easy with the package {flowchart}
- Use of non-API entry points in data.table
- Intro to working with volume and surface brain data
Transforming Academic Research with R in Santa Rosa, Argentina
User-Friendly Technical Cookbook-Style CRAN Guide for New R Programmers Ready
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New Packages
📦 Keep up to date wtih CRANberries 📦
- {windfarmGA} 4.0.0: Genetic Algorithm for Wind Farm Layout Optimization
- {tidyfit} 0.7.3: Regularized Linear Modeling with Tidy Data
- {unhcrdown} 0.6.0: UNHCR Branded Templates for R Markdown Documents
- {veesa} 0.1.6: Pipeline for Explainable Machine Learning with Functional Data
- {rtables.officer} 0.0.2: Exporting Tools for ‘rtables’
- {MonotonicityTest} 1.0: Nonparametric Bootstrap Test for Regression Monotonicity
- {zephyr} 0.1.0: Structured Messages and Options
- {chartreview} 1.0: Adaptive Multi-Wave Sampling for Efficient Chart Validation
- {SeedMaker} 1.0.0: Generate a Collection of Seeds from a Single Seed
- {duet} 0.1.1: Analysing Non-Verbal Communication in Dyadic Interactions from Video Data
- {smer} 0.0.1: Sparse Marginal Epistasis Test
- {SiFINeT} 1.13: Single Cell Feature Identification with Network Topology
- {qmj} 0.2.1: Quality Scores for the Russell 3000
- {sgapi} 1.0.3: Aid Querying ‘nomis’ and ‘Office for National Statistics Open Geography’ APIs
- {hhmR} 0.0.1: Hierarchical Heatmaps
- {pudu} 0.1.0: C++ Tools for Cleaning Strings
- {ggstackplot} 0.4: Create Overlapping Stacked Plots
- {bitstreamio} 0.1.0: Read and Write Bits from Files, Connections and Raw Vectors
- {BIS} 0.4: Programmatic Access to Bank for International Settlements Data
- {PLStests} 0.1.0: Model Checking for High-Dimensional GLMs via Random Projections
- {OpenRange} 0.0.1: Code to Access Open Access Species Range Maps
- {theorytools} 0.1.0: FAIR Theory Construction
- {pam} 1.0.1: Fast and Efficient Processing of PAM Data
- {ggmapcn} 0.1.2: Customizable China Map Visualizations
- {sequenceR} 1.0.1: A Simple Sequencer for Data Sonification
- {dfeR} 1.0.1: Common Department for Education Analysis Tasks
- {bnns} 0.1.2: Bayesian Neural Network with ‘Stan’
- {soilassessment} 0.3.0: Soil Health Assessment Models for Assessing Soil Conditions and Suitability
- {quickPWCR} 1.2: Quickly Construct and Rate Large Binary Pairwised Comparisons
- {maraca} 0.7.1: The Maraca Plot: Visualizing Hierarchical Composite Endpoints
- {dietr} 1.1.6: Diet Estimated Trophic Levels
- {bitstreamio} 0.1.0: Read and Write Bits from Files, Connections and Raw Vectors
- {pam} 1.0.1: Fast and Efficient Processing of PAM Data
- {parttree} 0.1.0: Visualize Simple 2-D Decision Tree Partitions
GitHub or Bitbucket
- {susR} 0.0.2: Interface for Accessing the Open Data of Slovak Statistical Office via API
Updated Packages
- RcppFastFloat 0.0.5 on CRAN: New Upstream, Updates
- RProtoBuf 0.4.23 on CRAN: Mulitple Updates
- {colorrepel} 0.4.1: Repel Visually Similar Colors for Colorblind Users in Various Plots - diffify
- {rlang} 1.1.5: Functions for Base Types and Core R and ‘Tidyverse’ Features - diffify
- {soilDB} 2.8.7: Soil Database Interface - diffify
- {pak} Another Approach to Package Installation - diffify
- {gridpattern} 1.3.1: ‘grid’ Pattern Grobs - diffify
- {raster} 3.6-31: Geographic Data Analysis and Modeling - diffify
- {bit64} 4.6.0-1: A S3 Class for Vectors of 64bit Integers - diffify
- {unhcrthemes} 0.6.3: UNHCR ‘ggplot2’ Theme and Colour Palettes - diffify
- {VisitorCounts} 2.0.3: Modeling and Forecasting Visitor Counts Using Social Media - diffify
- {accessr} 1.1.1: Command Line Tools to Produce Accessible Documents using ‘R Markdown’ - diffify
- {Factoshiny} 2.7: Perform Factorial Analysis from ‘FactoMineR’ with a Shiny Application - diffify
- {funkyheatmap} 0.5.1: Generating Funky Heatmaps for Data Frames - diffify
- {ggsem} 0.2.1: Interactively Visualize Structural Equation Modeling Diagrams - diffify
- {colorSpec} 1.6-0: Color Calculations with Emphasis on Spectral Data - diffify
- {streamDAG} 1.5-9: Analytical Methods for Stream DAGs - diffify
- {Rfast} 2.1.4: A Collection of Efficient and Extremely Fast R Functions - diffify
- {ssdtools} 2.2.0: Species Sensitivity Distributions - diffify
- {geomtextpath} 0.1.5: Curved Text in ‘ggplot2’ - diffify
- {parameters} 0.24.1: Processing of Model Parameters - diffify
- {mlr3verse} 0.3.1: Easily Install and Load the ‘mlr3’ Package Family - diffify
- {hommel} 1.8: Methods for Closed Testing with Simes Inequality, in Particular Hommel’s Method - diffify
- {fusen} 0.7.0: Build a Package from Rmarkdown Files - diffify
- {fdacluster} 0.4.1: Joint Clustering and Alignment of Functional Data - diffify
- {praatpicture} 1.4.0: ‘Praat Picture’ Style Plots of Acoustic Data - diffify
- {shinyStorePlus} 1.4: Secure in-Browser and Database Storage for ‘shiny’ Inputs, Outputs, Views and User Likes - diffify
- {worldmet} 0.9.9: Import Surface Meteorological Data from NOAA Integrated Surface Database (ISD) - diffify
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Day 17 of #genuary, Inspired by Islamic art#RStats code: github.com/gkaramanis/a...#genuary2024 #genuary17 #rtistry
— Georgios Karamanis (@karaman.is) January 18, 2024 at 4:23 AM
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Genuary 2025 Day 19: Op Art. 🎨#Genuary #Genuary2025 #RStats #Rtistry #GenerativeArt #Genuary19
— Nicola Rennie (@nrennie.bsky.social) January 19, 2025 at 7:17 PM
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Exactly forty two lines of code.A secret code? A doctors notes? Or a hastily repurposed asemic writing system? Who knows.With 42 of the hackiest lines of #rstats code used to make it. gist.github.com/georgemsavva...#genuary3 #genuary2025 #genuary #mathart #rtistry #asemicwriting
— George Savva (@georgemsavva.bsky.social) January 4, 2025 at 6:04 AM
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Quotes of the Week
I'm just saying this is syntatically correct #rstats code
— Robert (Bob) Kubinec (@rmkubinec.bsky.social) January 17, 2025 at 1:38 AM
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#dataviz A customized grid pattern in #ggplot2 using {geofacet} to mimic approx. geogrpahic locations of entities.
— Aditya Dahiya (@AdityaDahiyaIAS) January 19, 2025
Data: @openstreetmap @india_soi
Full code 🔗 https://t.co/FA7OnxBSHP
Tools #rstats #sf #ggplot2 #geofacet by @hafenstats pic.twitter.com/kI9lRIJnYC
Do you have more than one column that uniquely identifies rows in your data?For example, - ID + Time - First Name + Last NameNo problem, you can easily join data using multiple columns in #rstats, even if those columns have different names across datasets. cghlewis.com/blog/joins/
— Crystal Lewis (@cghlewis.bsky.social) January 18, 2025 at 10:43 PM
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This article is originally published at https://rweekly.org/
Please visit source website for post related comments.