R Weekly 2024-W45 Talk recordings from posit::conf(2024), GitHub actions, Parameterized plots
This article is originally published at https://rweekly.org/
Hello and welcome to this new issue!
This week’s release was curated by Batool Almarzouq, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
R in the Real World
R in Academia
Talk recordings and workshop materials from posit::conf(2024)
10 New Books added to Big Book of R + R community on BlueSky
Ordinal State Transition Models as a Unifying Risk Prediction Framework
New Packages
📦 Keep up to date wtih CRANberries 📦
Tapyr 0.2 Update: Package Management with uv and Shiny for Python Testing API
{favawesome} 0.1.1: Use Font Awesome Icons as Shiny favicons
{surveydown} 0.4.0: Markdown-Based Surveys Using ‘Quarto’ and ‘shiny’
{rcollectadhd} 0.8: Collection of Data Sets Containing ADHD Related Data
{legendry} 0.1.0: Extended Legends and Axes for ‘ggplot2’
{CADF} 0.1: Customer Analytics Data Formatting
{vchartr} 0.1.3: Interactive Charts with the ‘JavaScript’ ‘VChart’ Library
{mapindiatools} 1.0.1: Mapping Data for ‘mapindia’ Package
{dsTidyverseClient} 1.0.0: ‘DataSHIELD’ ‘Tidyverse’ Clientside Package
{picohdr} 0.1.1: Read, Write and Manipulate High Dynamic Range Images
{ggpca} 0.1.2: Publication-Ready PCA, t-SNE, and UMAP Plots
{BSTZINB} 1.0.1: Association Among Disease Counts and Socio-Environmental Factors
{redatamx} 1.0.0: R Interface to ‘Redatam’ Library
{TMTI} 1.0.3: Too Many, Too Improbable (TMTI) Test Procedures
{tapLock} 0.2.0: Seamless Single Sign-on for ‘shiny’
{ShinyWizard} An Interactive Wizard to Design, Build, and Deploy R Packages Demo Presentation
Updated Packages
{spatstat.utils} 3.1-1: Utility Functions for ‘spatstat’ - diffify
{ggeasy} 0.1.5: Easy Access to ‘ggplot2’ Commands - diffify
{EIEntropy} Ecological Inference Applying Entropy - diffify
{dataCompare} 1.0.1: A ‘shiny’ App to Compare Two Data Frames - diffify
{RaceID} 0.3.7: Identification of Cell Types, Inference of Lineage Trees, and Prediction of Noise Dynamics from Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data - diffify
{iimi} 1.2.1: Identifying Infection with Machine Intelligence - diffify
{basemaps} 0.0.8: Accessing Spatial Basemaps in R - diffify
{mapgl} 0.1.4: Interactive Maps with ‘Mapbox GL JS’ and ‘MapLibre GL JS’ - diffify
{priorsense} 1.0.4: Prior Diagnostics and Sensitivity Analysis - diffify
{gitignore} 0.1.8: Create Useful .gitignore Files for your Project - diffify
{ggstatsplot} 0.12.5: ‘ggplot2’ Based Plots with Statistical Details - diffify
{flexlsx} 0.3.0: Exporting ‘flextable’ to ‘xlsx’ Files - diffify
{iForecast} 1.0.9: Machine Learning Time Series Forecasting - diffify
{dunlin} 0.1.8: Preprocessing Tools for Clinical Trial Data - diffify
{statsExpressions} 1.6.1: Tidy Dataframes and Expressions with Statistical Details - diffify
{proffer} 0.2.1: Profile R Code and Visualize with ‘Pprof’ - diffify
{DescToolsAddIns} 1.12: Interactive Functions to be Used as Shortcuts in ‘RStudio’ - diffify
{bio3d} 2.4-5: Biological Structure Analysis - diffify
{manynet} 1.3.1: Many Ways to Make, Modify, Map, Mark, and Measure Myriad Networks - diffify
{ggseqplot} 0.8.5: Render Sequence Plots using ‘ggplot2’ - diffify
{RcmdrPlugin.DoE} 0.12-6: R Commander Plugin for (Industrial) Design of Experiments - diffify
{rspm} 0.6.1: ‘RStudio’ Package Manager - diffify
{progressr} 0.15.0: An Inclusive, Unifying API for Progress Updates - diffify
{pdp} 0.8.2: Partial Dependence Plots - diffify
{rgl} 1.3.12: 3D Visualization Using OpenGL - diffify
{liver} 1.17: “Eating the Liver of Data Science” - diffify
{circumplex} 1.0.0: Analysis and Visualization of Circular Data - diffify
Videos and Podcasts
Predictive scenarios simulation in R, Python and Excel using Techtonique API
Delimiting the modelling background for scattered uneven occurrence data
Street names: Day 2 of 30DayMapChallenge. Trying to find the genders in Lyon street names
How to Use ‘OR’ Operator in R: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
The Ultimate Guide to Creating Lists in R: From Basics to Advanced Examples
How to Iterate Over Rows of Data Frame in R: A Complete Guide for Beginners
Connecting R to Postgres: From Database Creation to Data Manipulation and Charts
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Updates from the R Contribution Working Group (RCWG):
- Announcing R Dev Day @ LatinR 2024: online, Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 November, 5:30pm - 8pm (UTC-3). Join us to work on contributions to the code, documentation and translations in base R. Free and open registration, deadline Saturday 16 Nov.
Call for Participation
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Join the Data Science Learning Community
Today's artwork generated with #rstats and #ggplot2: pic.twitter.com/9UMkxbcpnA
— aRtsy package (@aRtsy_package) November 5, 2024
Image of Mexicali, Mexico created in #rstats using data from #OpenStreetMap. pic.twitter.com/7epnCkTPlp
— R City Views (@rcityviews) November 3, 2024
Quotes of the Week
Thanks for visiting r-craft.org
This article is originally published at https://rweekly.org/
Please visit source website for post related comments.