R Weekly 2022-W21 Software Dev Resources, R Markdown Tips, and gistillery
This article is originally published at
Hello and welcome to this new issue!
This week’s release was curated by Eric Nantz, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
R Markdown Tips and Tricks #3: Time-savers & Trouble-shooters
gistillery: Take local code, send it to a Github gist, get a beautiful image from Carbon.now.sh, and make it ready to share!
R Markdown Tips and Tricks #3: Time-savers & Trouble-shooters
Re-creating this year’s Eurovison scoreboard with
R in Academia
- Marginalia: A guide to figuring out what the heck marginal effects, marginal slopes, average marginal effects, marginal effects at the mean, and what all these other maginal things are.
New Packages
???? Go Live for More New Pkgs ????
{chromatographR} 0.4.0: Tools for the reproducible analysis of HPLC-DAD/UV data.
{SoundShape} 1.2.1: Sound Waves Onto Morphometric Data
{sits} 1.0.0: Satellite Image Time Series Analysis for Earth Observation Data
{shinybrowser} 1.0.0: Find Out Information About a User’s Web Browser in ‘Shiny’
{webshot2} 0.1.0: Take Screenshots of Web Pages
{ggbraid} 0.2.2: Braid Ribbons in ‘ggplot2’
{designer} 0.1.0: ‘Shiny’ UI Prototype Builder
{rdataretriever} 3.1.0: R Interface to the Data Retriever
{chronicler} 0.2.0: Add Logging to Functions
{mlr3verse} 0.2.5: Easily Install and Load the ‘mlr3’ Package Family
GitHub or Bitbucket
- gistillery: Take local code, send it to a Github gist, get a beautiful image from Carbon.now.sh, and make it ready to share!
dcflights21: An R package supplying data on out-bound flights from airports serving Washington, DC in 2021
ggtips: Adds interactive tooltip boxes to ggplots (standalone or rendered in Shiny)
- flyCSV: Check your data frame as CSV on the fly
Updated Packages
marginaleffects: Compute and plot adjusted predictions, marginal effects, contrasts, and marginal means for a wide variety of models.
Videos and Podcasts
{gt} and {reactable} packages: Beautiful, user-friendly tables in R
What makes meta-analysis special? A statistics-light exploration with the Switchboard package
R-Ladies Freiburg (English) - Shiny Data Dashboards: Eurovision
Shiny Apps
shinybox: Simplified, self-contained, renv-controlled Shiny apps launched with a one liner and some handy admin tools.
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Big Data Belfast: May 25th
Mapping interactively with R Shiny (R-Ladies Brisbane): May 26th
New York R Conference: June 8th-10th
UseR! (Online): June 20th-23rd
Rstudio::Conf: July 25th-28th
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
TIL: If you're annoyed by your #rstats github repos being marked as HTML because of the documentation that all your R code produces, add a .gitattributes file with the following:
— Lisa DeBruine ????️???? (@LisaDeBruine) May 14, 2022
*.html linguist-detectable=false pic.twitter.com/4LpMaXUrdB
???? While playing around with {rtweet} and the Twitter API, I have built an #RStats Twitter bot ????
— Tim Tiefenbach (@TimTeaFan) May 20, 2022
???? @rstatspkgbot tweets about random R packages on CRAN!
???? Have a look at the GitHub repo to see how I made it:https://t.co/UMFUSnKCtW
Thanks for visiting r-craft.org
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