Category: R

stringdist released

stringdist was accepted on CRAN at the end of last week. This release just fixes a few bugs affecting the stringdistmatrix function, when called with a single argument. From...continue reading.


In this blog post, I will be introducing the meanShiftR package. meanShiftR is a rewrite of my original mean shift R package from 2013, based on the Fast Library for...continue reading.


In this blog post, I will be introducing the meanShiftR package. meanShiftR is a rewrite of my original mean shift R package from 2013, based on the Fast Library for...continue reading.

RQGIS 0.1.0 release

We proudly announce the release of RQGIS! RQGIS establishes an interface between R and QGIS, i.e. it allows the user to access the more than 1000 QGIS geoalgorithms from within...continue reading.


Over the last few months I have been spending my nights taking care of my newly born second daughter. Keeping me company during the sleepless wee hours of the morning...continue reading.


Over the last few months I have been spending my nights taking care of my newly born second daughter. Keeping me company during the sleepless wee hours of the morning...continue reading.