Category: R

Tribonacci sequence

A simplistic puzzle from The Riddler when applying brute force: A Tribonacci sequence is based on three entry integers a ≤ b ≤ c, and subsequent terms are the sum...continue reading.

2022 Hanukkah of Data • Puzzle 2

Ref: library(tidyverse) cust <- read_csv(“~/Downloads/noahs-csv/noahs-customers.csv”) orders_items <- read_csv(“~/Downloads/noahs-csv/noahs-orders_items.csv”) orders <- read_csv(“~/Downloads/noahs-csv/noahs-orders.csv”) products <- read_csv(“~/Downloads/noahs-csv/noahs-products.csv”) orders_items |> left_join(products) -> oip orders |> left_join(oip) -> orders orders |> filter( 2017 ==...continue reading.

foliage to the max

An easy riddle from The Riddler that did not even require coding! Given that a tree changes colours at a random time A distributed according to a Uniform distribution (over...continue reading.