Bad Neighbours (no, not the movie)
Another day, another compulsion to see if I can do any better than someone’s solution. This one also comes from the FiveThiryEight Puzzler challenge courtesy of Xi’an The original challenge...continue reading.
Another day, another compulsion to see if I can do any better than someone’s solution. This one also comes from the FiveThiryEight Puzzler challenge courtesy of Xi’an The original challenge...continue reading.
In a previous post we estimated a Mixed Graphical Model (MGM) on a dataset of mixed variables describing different aspects of the life of individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder,...continue reading.
When I went to the rOpenSci unconference about a month ago, I started work with Dave Robinson on a package for text mining using tidy data principles. What is this...continue reading.
testthat 1.0.0 is now available on CRAN. Testthat makes it easy to turn your existing informal tests into formal automated tests that you can rerun quickly and easily. Learn more...continue reading.
%macro bgtest(data = , r = , x = , order = 1); ********************************************************************; * SAS MACRO PERFORMING BREUSCH-GODFREY TEST FOR SERIAL CORRELATION *; * BY FOLLOWING THE LOGIC OF...continue reading.
This neat approach showed up recently as an answer to a FiveThirtyEight puzzle and of course I couldn’t help but throw it at dplyr as soon as I could. Turns...continue reading.
Explicit semantic analysis (ESA) was proposed by Gabrilovich and Markovitch (2007) to compute a document position in a high-dimensional concept space. At the core, the technique compares the terms of...continue reading.
[Scroll to graphic below if math doesn’t render for you]Thanks to Mark Andrews for correcting some crucial typos (I hope I got it right this time!). Thanks also to Andrew...continue reading.
Last year Packt asked me to develop a video course to teach various techniques of data visualization in R. Since I love the idea of video courses and tutorials, and...continue reading.
If you already found package extrafont then you probably found how to load and use Windows fonts in R visualizations. But just in case, everything to get started with extrafont is found here and...continue reading.
fidlr is an RStudio addin designed to simplify the financial data downloading process from various providers. This initial version is a wrapper around the getSymbols function in the quantmod package and...continue reading.
Getting users feedback is always a pleasant moment. In most cases in World of Open Source we are creating tools and applications for people and we love to hear that...continue reading.
Last week, I officially became the maintainer of a CRAN package! My package for the texts of Jane Austen’s 6 completed, published novels, janeaustenr, was released on CRAN and my...continue reading.
This article will take us step-by-step over incremental changes to produce a bubble chart using ggplot2 that looks like this:We’ll encounter the plot above once again at the very end after explaining...continue reading.
tl;dr: Optional stopping does not bias parameter estimates from a frequentist point of view if all studies are reported (i.e., no publication bias exists) and effect sizes are appropriately meta-analytically...continue reading.
This blog post shows how to use the theano library to perform linear and logistic regression. I won’t go into details of what linear or logistic regression is, because the...continue reading.
It often makes sense to separate your projects. And since space is cheap you are probably creating separate folders on your computer. In RStudio you can create different projects that...continue reading.
Late last month, I analyzed results from Utah’s Republican and Democratic caucuses to show how the different presidential candidates fared across Utah. That was fun work to do, but I...continue reading.
Just kidding; it was amazing. Last week, I traveled to San Francisco to participate in an unconference/hackathon organized and hosted by ROpenSci. This was my first R conference or meeting,...continue reading.
Many people keep asking me whether I have tried SparkR, is it worth using, is it sexy or WHAT is it at all. I felt that creating frequently asked questions...continue reading.