BlueSky Statistics Version 10 is Not Open Source
This article is originally published at
BlueSky Statistics is a graphical user interface for the powerful R language. On July 10, 2024, the website said:
“…As the BlueSky Statistics version 10 product evolves, we will continue to work on orchestrating the necessary logistics to make the BlueSky Statistics version 10.x application available as an open-source project. This will be done in phases, as we did for the BlueSky Statistics 7.x version. We are currently rearchitecting its key components to allow the broader community to make effective contributions. When this work is complete, we will open-source the components for broader community participation…”
In the current statement (September 5, 2024), the sentence regarding version 10.x becoming open source is gone. This line was added:
“…Revenue from the commercial (Pro) version plays a vital role in funding the R&D needed to continue to develop and support the open-source (BlueSky Statistics 7.x) version and the free version (BlueSky Statistics 10.x Base Edition)…”
I have verified with the founders that they no longer plan to release version 10 with an open-source license. I’m disappointed by this change as I have advocated for and written about open source for many years.
There are many advantages of open-source licensing over proprietary. If the company decides to stop making version 10 free, current users will still have the right to run the currently installed version, but they will only be able to get the next version if they pay. If it were open source, its users could move the code to another repository and base new versions on that. That scenario has certainly happened before, most notably with OpenOffice. BlueSky LLC has announced no plans to charge for future versions of BlueSky Base Edition, but they could.
I have already updated the references on my website to reflect that BlueSky v10 is not open source. I wish I had been notified of this change before telling many people at the JSM 2024 conference that I was demonstrating open-source software. I apologize to them.
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