Author: Sara

Lake Erie Pileup

 Strong winds caused substantial water surface elevation differences in Lake Erie around November 15, 2020.  Here’s an animated plot of elevations measured by NOAA.  Plot was developed using R and...continue reading.

Y is for scale_y

Yesterday, I talked about scale_x. Today, I’ll continue on that topic, focusing on the y-axis.The key to using any of the scale_ functions is to know what sort of data...continue reading.

X is for scale_x

These next two posts will deal with formatting scales in ggplot2 – x-axis, y-axis – so I’ll try to limit the amount of overlap and repetition.Let’s say I wanted to...continue reading.

V is for Verbs

In this series, I’ve covered five terms for data manipulation:arrangefiltermutateselectsummariseThese are the verbs that make up the grammar of data manipulation. They all work with group_by to perform these functions...continue reading.

U is for Useful Trick

This will be a very short post for a line of code I’ve found unbelievably useful as I analyze data for work. I’m working with datasets containing millions of rows...continue reading.

T is for Themes

One of the easiest ways to make a beautiful ggplot is by using a theme. ggplot2 comes with a variety of pre-existing themes. I’ll use the genre statistics summary table...continue reading.

S is for summarise

Today, we’ll finally talk about summarise! It’s very similar to mutate, but instead of adding or altering a variable in a dataset, it aggregates your data, creating a new tibble...continue reading.