Version 2.2.2 Released
ggtern version 2.2.2 has just been submitted to CRAN, and it includes a number of new features. This time around, I have adapted the hexbin geometry (and stat), and additionally,...continue reading.
ggtern version 2.2.2 has just been submitted to CRAN, and it includes a number of new features. This time around, I have adapted the hexbin geometry (and stat), and additionally,...continue reading.
It has been a while since any kind of significant update has been released for the ggetern library, and the other day a minor update was submitted to CRAN, which...continue reading.
Hi Folks, ggtern v2.1.1 has just been submitted to CRAN. This includes a number of minor bug fixes, and an additional annotation, permitting the rendering of raster data, say for...continue reading.
Version 2.1.0 has just been submitted to CRAN and should be available over the next day or so. This version primarily resolves the recent errors that people have been encountering...continue reading.
Recently ggplot2 received a severe makeover by releasing version 2.0, and in the spirit of improvement, I thought ggtern should also get an overhaul, so after a few-hundred hours of...continue reading.
For a long time, people have been sending me requests for a suitable smoothing / contouring / interpolation geometry be made available via ggtern, over and above the Kernel Density...continue reading.
The other week a user of ggtern ran into a problem where they wanted to use the limit_tern(…) functionality, however there were a few marginal points / paths that extended...continue reading.
An update to ggtern, version, is now available on CRAN! This version includes a number of bug fixes: Added convenience functions, and global options for modifying the length of...continue reading.
ggtern has introduced a new series of geometries to represent known errors in data, they are relatively easy to use and are along the lines of the geom_errorbar(…) and...continue reading.