An overview of what’s out there for reproducibility with R
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In this short blog post I’ll be summarizing what I learnt these past years about reproducibility with R. I’ll give some high-level explanations about different tools and then link to different blog posts of mine.
I see currently two main approaches with some commonalities, so let’s start with the commonalities.
These are aspects that I think will help you build reproducible projects, but that are not strictly necessary. These are:
- Git for code versioning;
- unit tests (be it on your code or data);
- literate programming;
- packaging code;
- build automation.
I think that these aspects are really very important nice-to-haves, but depending on the project you might not have to use all these tools or techniques (but I would really recommend that you think very hard about these requirements and make sure that you actually, really, don’t need them).
What’s also important is how you organize the work if you’re in a team. Making sure that everyone is on the same page and uses the same tools and approaches is very important.
Now that we have the commonalities out of the way, let’s discuss the “two approaches”. Let’s start by the most popular one.
Docker and “something else”
Docker is a very popular containerisation solution. The idea is to build an image that contains everything needed to run and rebuild your project in a single command. You can add a specific version of R with the required packages in it, your project files and so on. You could even add the data directly into the image or provide the required data at run-time, it’s up to you.
The “something else” can be several things, but they all deal with the problem of providing the right packages for your analysis. You see, if you run an analysis today, you’ll be using certain versions of packages. The same versions of packages need to be made available inside that Docker image. To do so, a popular choice for R users is to use {renv}, but there’s also {groundhog} and {rang}. You could also use CRAN snapshots from the Posit Public Package Manager. Whatever you choose, Docker by itself is not enough: Docker provides a base where you can then add these other things on top.
To know more, read this:
By combining Docker plus any of the other packages listed above (or by using the PPPM) you can quite easily build reproducible projects, because what you end up doing, is essentially building something like a capsule that contains everything needed to run the project (this capsule is what is called an image). Then, you don’t run R and the scripts to build the project, you run the image, and within that image, R is executed on the provided scripts. This running instance of an image is called a container. This approach is by far the most popular and can even be used on Github Actions if your project is hosted on Github. On a scale from 1 to 10, I would say that the entry cost is about 3 if you already have some familiarity with Linux, but can go up to 7 if you’ve never touched Linux. What does Linux have to do with all this? Well, the Docker images that you are going to build will be based on Linux (most of the time the Ubuntu distribution) so familiarity with Linux or Ubuntu is a huge plus. You could use {renv}
, {rang}
or {groundhog}
without Docker, directly on your PC, but the issue here is that your operating system and the version of R changes through time. And both of these can have an impact on the reproducibility of your project. Hence, why we use Docker to, in a sense, “freeze” both the underlying operating system and version of R inside that image, and then, every container executed from that image will have the required versions of software.
One issue with Docker is that if you build an image today, the underlying Linux distribution will get out of date at some point, and you won’t be able to rebuild the image. So you either need to build the image and store it forever, or you need to maintain your image and port your code to newer base Ubuntu images.
Nix is a package manager for Linux (and Windows through WSL) and macOS, but also a programming language that focuses on reproducibility of software builds, meaning that using Nix it’s possible to build software in a completely reproducible way. Nix is incredibly flexible, so it’s also possible to use it to build reproducible development environments, or run reproducible analytical pipelines. What Nix doesn’t easily allow, unlike {renv}
for example, is to install a specific version of one specific package. But I also wrote a package called {rix} (co-authored by Philipp Baumann) that makes it easier for R users to get started with Nix and also allows to install arbitrary versions of packages easily using the Nix package manager. So you can define an environment with any version of R, plus corresponding packages, and install specific versions of specific packages if needed as well. Packages that are hosted on Github can also get easily installed if needed. Let me make this clear: using Nix, you install both R and R packages so there’s no need to use install.packages()
anymore. Everything is managed by Nix.
Using Nix, we can define our environment and build instructions as code, and have the build process always produce exactly the same result. This definition of the environment and build instructions are written using the Nix programming language inside a simple text file, which then gets used to actually realize the build. This means that regardless of “when” or “where” you rebuild your project, exactly the same packages (all the way down to the system libraries and compilers and all that stuff we typically never think about) will get installed to rebuild the project.
Essentially, using the Nix package manager, you can replace Docker + any of the other tools listed above to build reproducible projects. The issue with Nix however is that the entry cost is quite high: even if you’re already familiar with Linux and package managers, Nix is really an incredible deep tool. So I would say that the entry cost is around 9 out of 10…, but to bring this entry cost down, I have written 6 blog posts to get you started:
Also, by the way, it is entirely possible to build a Docker image based on Ubuntu, install the Nix package manager on it, and then use Nix inside Docker to install the right software to build a reproducible project. This approach is extremely flexible, as it uses the best of both worlds in my opinion: we can take advantage of the popularity of Docker so that we can run containers anywhere, but use Nix to truly have reproducible builds. This also solves the issue I discussed before: if you’re using Nix inside Docker, it doesn’t matter if the base image gets outdated: simply use a newer base image, and Nix will take care of always installing the right versions of the needed pieces of software for your project.
So which should you learn, Docker or Nix? While Docker is certainly more popular these days, I think that Nix is very interesting and not that hard to use once you learnt the basics (which does take some time). But the entry costs for any of these tools is in the end quite high and, very annoyingly, building reproducible projects does not get enough recognition, even in science where reproducibility is supposedly one of its corner stones. However, I think that you should definitely invest time in learning the tools and best practices required for building reproducible projects, because by making sure that a project is reproducible you end up increasing its quality as well. Furthermore, you avoid stressful situations where you get asked “hey, where did that graph/result/etc come from?” and you have no idea why the script that supposedly built that output does not reproduce the same output again.
If you read all the blog posts above but still want to learn and know more about reproducibility you can get my ebook at a discount or get a physical copy on Amazon or you can read it for free. That book does not discuss Nix, but I will very certainly be writing another book focusing this time on Nix during 2024.
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